Being a part of your child's digital world with DijiWise leads to moments that you may not expect!

DijiWise Moments are those times when a concerning post or an exciting update from your pre-teen or teenager catches your attention. It might give you a new understanding, a chuckle, a feeling of pride, or become an opportunity to discuss what's going on in your child's life.

We’d love to hear about your DijiWise Moments.

Connect with other parents by sharing your DijiWise Moments here!


"As a mom of four, DijiWise made it easier for me to be there for my kids. Through the app, I saw that my oldest son was tweeting about some controversial materials. I saved the concerning tweets and then a DijiWise tip popped up, “Have frequent and honest conversations with your children about their Internet use.” That was just the trigger I needed to sit down with him and discuss why he was sending those messages and how they may be interpreted by others. Turns out he was just curious about the topic and was reaching out to his followers to get a conversation started."

Sandy K.


"I was reminded again this morning why I like this app so much. I woke up after a busy day of business travel and saw all of the social media activity on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram that had happened in the past day which I am monitoring in the app's child profiles feature. I was so nice to have it all right there."

Cindy S.


"My 10 year old wanted to get an Instagram account so we talked about how to be safe online before he could sign up. Having DijiWise gives me peace of mind and lets my son know that I'm there for him as he begins to explore social media. DijiWise makes it easier for me since I don't have to create my own separate accounts to oversee his activity. It's also really fun to see what he posts about and what piques his interest!"

Wendy W.


"Through DijiWise, I discovered that my 14-year-old son was having conversations on Twitter with people that I was certain that he did not know ‘live.’ I saved a few of his tweets on the DijiWise app and brought it up in the car ride to practice. During that conversation, I discovered that not only was he communicating with several strangers on Twitter, he was also exchanging private texts on KIK with many of these people. I realized that the stranger danger talks we had when he was a kid playing on the playground needed to be redefined for his new playground, the Internet. Thanks, DijiWise, for that wake up call."

Karen S.