DijiWise Moment: A new kind of ‘stranger danger’ conversation

DijiWise brings awareness to parents about situations that don’t always come out in conversations with our kids.

Here is a DijiWise Moment shared by a parent:

“Through DijiWise, I discovered that my 14-year-old son was having conversations on Twitter with people that I was certain that he did not know ‘live.’ I saved a few of his tweets on the DijiWise app and brought it up in the car ride to practice. During that conversation, I discovered that not only was he communicating with several strangers on Twitter, he was also exchanging private texts on KIK with many of these people. I realized that the stranger danger talks we had when he was a kid playing on the playground needed to be redefined for his new playground, the Internet. Thanks, DijiWise, for that wake up call."

When we give our children access to the world in the palm of their hands, there is no doubt they are going to curiously explore. Help guide them by creating boundaries. If the boundaries are crossed, they need to have the same consequences for online behavior as they do offline. Setting up a family online safety contract is as great place to start. The Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) encourages parents and kids to have an open discussion about what these rules mean and offers this contract to get families started on being safe online.  

Have a DijiWise moment that's provided a learning moment or enlightenment between you and your child through use of digital media?  Share it with us!


Get on our Invite List and be the first DijiWise Parents to gain membership access for when we launch on the App Store and Google Play!

Be DijiWise!

DijiWise's goal is to empower families to safely navigate today's digital world and part of that is being a source of valuable information. We've been in DijiWise Beta during these past few weeks and are integrating valuable insights from our beta testers into further development of the DjiWise app. Our team is working hard and excited to bring you the best parental app out there!

Our efforts to help parents become a DijiWise Parent extend beyond our mobile app. Here on our blog, we will share news and knowledge about digital technology and social media. Let's create a community that helps shed light on how kids are engaging with the digital world and how to have an open dialogue with them about it.

To kickoff the DijiWise Parent Central, here are three insightful articles to help you be DijiWise!

What Your Teen is Really Doing All Day Long on Twitter and Instagram
by Evie Nagy at Fast Company
"Microsoft principal researcher danah boyd addresses the fears and misconceptions that adults have about teens' use of social media, revealing that online networks can be a lifeline and a safety valve for a generation under extreme pressure."

How to Manage Media in Families
by Bruce Feiler at NY Times
"No technology agreement can be written in stone. It needs to be revised with every new child, every new phase, every new device and every new app."

15 Apps and Websites Kids are Heading to After Facebook
by Polly Conway at Common Sense Media
A list of the "hot" new social media networks to keep an eye on!

Be safe. Be smart.
Be DijiWise!


Get on our Invite List and be the first DijiWise Parents to gain membership access for when we launch on the App Store and Google Play!