Movie Review: Screenagers - Growing Up in the Digital Age 

“Why don’t you get off your (device) and go outside and play?”

“If you don’t get (chore) done, then you can’t play on your (device).”

“But Mom, I need my (device) to get my homework done.”

"I'm tired of competing with your devices."

"These video games are ruining your brain".

Can you relate?

This is part of the daily struggle in many homes with teens and tweens. Technology has given us the ability to connect, multitask, be productive, be entertained, gain knowledge and more. But how much is too much?

Screen time and the effects of digital media are at the forefront of many people’s minds in today’s culture, and a new film takes the topic head on.

We had the opportunity to screen “Screenagers,” a film produced by Dr. Delaney Ruston that explores how excessive screen time is affecting our kids and today’s families.

A medical doctor from Seattle, WA, and a parent navigating her own journey with her children in the constant struggle over the balance between screen time and real life, Dr. Ruston decided to make Screenagers because “she believes deeply in the importance of helping kids find balance in our tech-filled world.” Her film has been featured at film festivals across the country.

The fact that she’s still figuring out the screen/life balance herself as a parent immediately creates a connection between the film’s parent audience and her “character,” the narrator. In the film, college professors, bloggers, researchers and others weigh in on how overuse is truly damaging this generation. Studies show excessive screen time stunts brain development, creates an inability to focus, and reduces cognitive and communication skills.  

We get a glimpse into the filmmaker’s own life and the lives of everyday people who share personal stories about the impact of technology and screen usage within their homes, and the turbulence it creates. From one girl’s experience of her “bra selfie” gone viral to another boy’s excessive video game playing that landed him in rehab for his “addiction,” something hits home to all of us: this is real. It is what is happening in families, at school, after school and in societies across the world today. The question is, what are we going to do about it?

Experts showcased in the film offer constructive advice to parents about the action that needs to take place within our communities, our classrooms, and most importantly, in our homes. They advise it starts by examining ourselves as parents and our own screen addictions. To shift screen usage to a healthy place and minimize its harmful impact on our personalities and habits, we must realize it truly takes a village, but the first step is at home, empowering our kids.

Our overall takeaway from the movie is the message it drives home about the importance of families establishing rules and boundaries on tech usage in and away from the house. The most significant tip all parents can tackle is teaching children from the start how to self-regulate their screen time.

Here are some other suggestions from Screenagers:

  1. Set up a tech contract for EVERYONE in the family, parents included! Have your kids help set the rules.

  2. Make “screen-free” time. One day a week, certain hours of the day, or even better, set up a tech-free vacation.

  3. Set time limits - give the brain a chance to rest

In an interview with the NY Timesdirector Dr. Delaney Ruston stated, “I want to spark a movement to get everyone, from parents to policymakers, to watch the movie, then have a “town hall” style conversation afterward about how we can best help kids lead more balanced lives.”

Screenagers is a must see for parents and kids. It offers the right combination of relatable characters and light-hearted humor to captivate the audience and allow us to do some silent self-evaluating of our own screen habits. A bit ironic to encourage more screen time, we know, but the film is eye-opening for parents who’ll discover they are not alone in the challenge of raising the first all-digital generation.  

Check out the Screenagers website to see if there’s a screening near you or to inquire about bringing it to your community or school.  


A Balancing Act: Online vs. Offline



Our smartphones seem to be attached to us in one way or another. They’re that rectangular bulge in our back pockets, that extra limb extending from our palms. We use our phones to capture a lot of important moments: our kid’s first day on the school bus, a family reunion with four generations lined up together, or summer road trip adventures across the states. But on social media interspersed with photos and videos of these memories are the BLT sandwich your co-worker had for lunch and the beach selfie your best friend posted. National Public Radio’s post Should We Live Life, Or Capture It? discusses our understandable human urge to record and share moments in our lives while encouraging us to live in the moment instead of through the lens.

Being thoughtful in deciding when to use our smartphones and when to be fully engaged eye-to-eye can bring out the best of our online and offline worlds. As great as our smartphones are, their constant presence in our lives isn’t always appropriate. This topic takes on a new set of considerations when placed in the classroom. In many schools, kids are allowed to carry their phones with them throughout the day. Guidelines vary from school to school, and this Safe Search Kids post about Cell Phones In School compares the pros and cons of the situation. As parents, we can teach our kids about how to balance their online and offline time at school and throughout their lives.


In school

Schools seek balance for cellphones in class: Are they a teaching tool or a distraction? 
by The Boston Globe
With policies ranging from BYOD (bring your own device) to restricted use, schools are handling the complex topic of tech in classrooms with varied approaches. This article offers a candid look into how schools in Massachusetts and New York are figuring out the logistics.

17 Pros and Cons of Using iPads in the Classroom
by SecurEdge
With iPads appearing in schools as teaching devices, this list explains some of the realities that we can expect with this new classroom technology.


In social gatherings

Why Snapchat Has Ruined Our Nights Out
by The Odyssey
We think the author of this post says it best, “Capturing the moment is one thing, capturing every single moment for your snap story and therefore experiencing the moment through your phone camera is another.”

‘Pics or it didn’t happen’ – the mantra of the Instagram era
by The Guardian
Teenagers constantly spout the saying “pics or it didn’t happen” when capturing moments with their smartphone, and this article dives into revealing why it’s so important for people to feel recognized and heard on social media.


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Summer Adventures in Tech



With school out for the summer, it's a great time for kids to explore their interests in technology. Being unplugged is invaluable, but so is finding the benefits of technology. We love this article from the Family Online Safety Institute about How to Incorporate Tech into Summer Fun. Using technology to enhance learning and creativity helps kids engage with the digital world thoughtfully instead of mindlessly.

A digital playground for learning
If your kids love video games like Minecraft, show them that they can create games like the ones they love. Tech Rocket provides kids with fun online courses that dive into code, game design, and graphic design. It's an awesome site that allows kids to explore their interests in technology.

We also love Common Sense Media's section Learning with Technology, a useful resource for discovering educational apps and asking questions about kids and tech. From simulations of historical events to games about empathy, there's a lot to explore with technology!

Balance is key
The digital world can be a positive and immersive playground but good screen time habits are important. A balance of offline and online time is key, and these helpful articles give advice on how to establish screen time guidelines:

Setting Limits on Screen Time
by Parenting

How to Tell Relatives, Teachers, Babysitters, and Even Your Spouse Your Screen Time Rules
by Common Sense Media


With the last month of summer quickly approaching, we hope to make it a stellar one with and without tech. Stay DijiWise!


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