We're in it Together: Making the most of family time
/As the school year fills up with assignment deadlines and play dates, we know that schedules can get hectic and tempers short. In the midst of all the chaos, a calm and peaceful household can seem like a pipe dream, but it’s not! It takes work to be our best selves for each other but it pays off by creating stronger relationships and more positive interactions. As parents ourselves here at DijiWise, we found some great resources on how to be more effective at handling conflicts with our kids and our spouses and making family time happier for everyone.
Why You Can't Really "Win" an Argument with Your Child from Empowering Parents
Manage Your Work, Manage Your Life from the Harvard Business Review
5 Apps To Help Families Find Calm from Family Online Safety Institute
Parenting Together with Less Conflict from the Mother Company
3-Day Fall Getaways from Family Vacation Critic