Imposter Apps and Surprise Costs: What Parents Should Know


I almost paid $7.99 -- a week -- for a free, popular music video app on my daughter’s iPad. If it happened to me, a relaxed yet digitally-involved mom with parental controls in place that require approval before an app can be downloaded to a kid’s device, then I suspect it’s happening to others and costing parents hundreds of dollars.

How? Confusion in app stores created by imposter apps.

It was an honest mistake my daughter and I made with what we thought was an app we're familiar with - a mistake that nearly cost me $32 a month.

The scenario was pretty ordinary. My daughter asked if she could add to her iPad. She already uses the music video app in private mode, so I clicked “approve” when the download request notification popped up on my phone. I knew she could take it from there, but then she hit a snag. She couldn’t log in and asked for help. I took a look at the screen, typed in her account info, and couldn’t log in either. Instead, I received the recognizable gray box explaining terms and conditions, and another with subscription details. For a split second I was a surprised, thinking the popular app switched to a paid model. (In the world of apps or social media, going from free to paid is a common business model.) Reading closer, I saw that it was free for the first few days, then would roll into a $7.99 a week charge. RED FLAG. That’s when I knew something was up.

An app with more than 100 million users would not go to a paid model overnight, let alone for $7.99 a week. Not Facebook, not WhatsApp, not  I realized what she had downloaded couldn't be It looked and smelled like, even down the app’s similar thumbnail image in the App Store. I hopped over to the App Store and looked at it even closer. and a few more words were in the app's name , and it was even the 1st suggested result when I did a search for in the App Store. In that moment I realized how easy it is for anyone, especially kids, to accidentally install an app that looked like the app they wanted, and to be hit with surprise charges in a very short period of time.

By my definition, an imposter app resembles other apps, often popular ones such as Instagram, Facebook or SnapChat. What’s in it for them? Money. They may have similar features or integrate with your social accounts and “enhance” what you can do on a specific social network. They’re not the official app of the established brand or social network, and can lead to surprise costs and digital environments with exposure to ads, people or material you may not want your kids to have access to.

Some of these apps are free and filled with ads, others result as sporadic $1.99, $5.99 or other charges on your wireless invoice or credit card statement. In the moment, it’s easy for a kid to approve those charges. It’s like plowing through dinner to get to dessert. Tap, tap, tapping away at anything that pops so they can get to the start screen and begin using the app.

Stepping back for a moment, though, who doesn’t love a good app? Especially a fun one, and especially kids and teens. Look-a-like apps with features that support many of the popular social media apps are popping up by the dozens. They might do cool things and be fun to use, yet many add little value and collect a lot of data or simply make a quick buck. It’s important for parents to be aware that these are out there and know what apps your kids are using to ensure online safety and avoid shock when surprise charges hit.

How do you know if your kid is using an imposter app?

  • Unexpected charges might be your first clue. $.99, $2.99, $5.00, $7.99 or more, sporadic charges you don't recognize are a red flag to double check what's on your kids' device.

  • Your child gets an on-screen prompt that requests granting the app "permission to link" or "access" another account either before or entering their username and login for another social network. (Be aware that sometimes there's a disclaimer or a box that is already checked, informing the user that by providing this information, you're giving the app permission to access the related account.)

  • The developer listed in the app store for the app doesn't match the app's name. Now, the names don't always match in order to be legit, but for the big ones you're familiar with, it's pretty recognizable. 

  • Extra words or descriptions in the app's title and description in the app store. Taking a moment to read these will give you a pretty good idea. 

How can you prevent imposter app surprises?

  • Enable the setting or parental control on your child’s device that requires approval before an app can be successfully installed. In most cases, when a child wants to install an app, he/she will receive a prompt that it’s pending approval, you’ll receive a request to approve or decline, and he/she will get a notification of the outcome.
  • Educate your kids that there are apps that look very similar to one another which can lead to unwanted charges or mislead them into thinking they're using a particular app. Encourage them to take their time by reading and taking a close look before they click install on an app.

  • Inform your kids about the importance of reading and understanding any notification or alert that pops up on their screen before entering information or clicking OK to make it go away. It’s not a bad idea to have them get in the habit of pausing to ask a parent anytime something pops up on screen any time they're in an app.

  • Manage spending notifications or spending limits under your account in the related app store (Google Play, Apple’s App Store, Windows Store, etc.) to avoid accumulating unexpected charges.

On a side note, low, weekly charges are popping up more and more in apps targeting kids and teens. I’ve noticed it when my kids ask to install apps that are suggested while they’re in another app or that they accidentally click on. Games, learning, music-themed apps (music tiles, rhythm, etc), photo apps, and more. Remind your tech-savvy family to carefully read notifications or ask you to take a look when a box pops up that requires a click or entering information before they can proceed.

How to teach our kids (and ourselves) to behave online

While we do our best as parents to model and teach kids proper etiquette, social graces, and encourage overall good behavior, there seems to be some misconception among people today that once you are online, those rules no longer apply.  

If the word is in the dictionary, then it must be relevant and necessary, right?

Merriam-Webster defines Netiquette as:

rules about the proper and polite way to communicate with other people when you are using the Internet

One of the most valuable skills you can teach your kids today is how to handle themselves online. We spend plenty of time during their early childhood teaching and modeling basic proper behavior, ranging from table manners (“Don’t talk with your mouth full”) to rules on the playground (“Play nice," “Don’t hit," “Take turns”). We proudly and patiently nurture the development of these skills so eventually when they leave the house on their own, they can thrive knowing these basic tools of survival.  

The same applies to digital responsibility. As they grow up and venture online, our hope as parents is that social skills they've learned will carry over to their online behavior.

College administrators, future employers and even parents of potential boyfriends or girlfriends frequently use Google and snooping on social media profiles to check up on your little Johnny. So it’s important for Johnny, and all teens and tweens, to be cautious about what they are doing and what they share online.

Understanding the difference between “digital life” vs. “real life” is the key to appreciating the importance of Netiquette.   The screen on a phone or computer acts as a barrier in between these two worlds. It creates the ultimate force field for feelings and emotions. It’s often very easy to type something online that your teenager may not say in person.  Words can also be easily misconstrued when there isn’t a spoken voice heard behind it. Once words are written, they can’t be taken back. Even with deleting posts, what's read or seen sticks in people's minds and let's not forget about the ability to make screen captures.

Unfortunately, kids be judged by those written words and therein lies the problem. Learning the important skill of Netiquette, however, can help teens and tweens to avoid making embarrassing or troubling mistakes.

Here are some basic guidelines about Netiquette that are great to discuss with kids of all school levels.

  • Don’t say or post anything online that you wouldn’t do or say in person

  • Be cognizant of who is behind the screen on the other side. Exercise empathy.
  • If you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say it at all. Just because you are behind a screen doesn't take the feelings away from the person on the other side.
  • Use proper grammar. People judge you by the way you write and speak. There’s no way around it.  
  • Keep a sense of modesty. If you’re not allowed to wear THAT in school, then don’t post a picture of yourself wearing it online.
  • Don’t perpetuate “bad news”. Words hurt. Share the good, not the bad.

How can parents monitor what their kids are doing online?

There are apps out there that help parents monitor anything from texts to emails, or even geolocating your child and knowing how fast they are driving. But to get a true pulse of whether your child exhibits good online behavior and decisions, you need to monitor their social media.

The DijiWise App is an all-in-one tool that captures a bird’s-eye view of what your child is posting on their social accounts. Monitoring the most popular social platforms among teens - Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, DijiWise allows you to view posts, likes, comments and more. See something that concerns you? Just save the post in-app  so you can discuss with your child or spouse later.  It’s that simple.

What do parents do when it's "too late?"

If your child is at the stage of getting ready to apply for college or future jobs, and you want to help them get a sense of how “clean” their social media record is, it's never fully too late to go back and "clean it up." There’s even an (online) app for that as well! The Social U is a platform that helps you connect, correct and continue to monitor online activity.

There are many perks of the World Wide Web. With the worries we carry day to day about our kids, their online behavior doesn't have to be one of them. With some guidance at home and engagement by parents online, it's never too late for our kids to put their best foot forward with a safe and mindful digital footprint.



Start the Conversation: Back to School Social Media Tips for Parents

“Back to School” time can be a crazy and chaotic experience for parents and kids. We spend the better part of two weeks with lists in hand, getting prepared for the Big Day. From shopping for school clothes and making sure skirts and shorts are “finger-tip” length, to trekking to several stores to find the mysterious yellow binder that’s needed for History class, there is no better way to spend the last glorious days of summer than getting ready to go back to school.



Reflecting on the experience and what it means for families, the first word that comes to mind is NEW. With new clothes, new supplies, new teachers and new school year come new friends, new connections -- and exposure to new mobile apps, new websites and new situations.

Now that the mountains of back to school paperwork are filled out, morning routines are established, and last-minute trips for supplies are complete, take time to start the conversation with your child about digital responsibility. Establish your family rules and develop your game plan. Use these tips as a guideline:


  1. Check privacy settings on apps and websites they use. Do it together! As parents, we are always learning, too!

  2. Chat about connections. Life is not a popularity contest. Encourage your kids to keep connections to people they know IRL (in real life) and discuss new contacts you see on their “friends” lists you haven't met yet.

  3. Discuss being careful about what you share and when you share it. Aside from never sharing personal information like phone number, address or password, cover why it's important they don't don’t share their location. A good rule of thumb is posting “after the fact” - after the party, or as you are leaving a location rather than while you are there.

  4. Have a two-way conversation about cyberbullying. These are conversations, not lectures, and we can empower our teens and pre-teens by finding out what they have to say. Ask them what they think about cyberbullying, and discuss how to recognize it, handle it, and not contribute to it. This will let them know it's okay to talk about it at home, and feel more comfortable speaking up to you or a trusted adult or teacher if the see someone harassing another person.

  5. Avoid digital drama. Not to be confused with cyberbullying, digital drama is like a tiff or dispute that could happen in real life, that occurs online on often spirals out control in comments, with shares, etc. Common Sense Media has some great tips on how to avoid the drama online

  6. Remember the Golden Rule. Help them understand digital responsibility applies to all of us - kids and adults. Remind them of the importance and benefit of treating others as they expect to be treated. Be kind online! 

New Year’s Resolution Series: What Kind of Digital Parent Do You Want To Be?



by Stacy Kania

With the start of a new year, many people take the time to reflect, make changes and set goals for themselves. For parents, it may mean examining how you approach being a “digital parent,” or parenting in the digital age.

When it comes to kids and technology, are you hands-on, hands-off, or somewhere in between? What is your recipe for success?

In the article “Parents: Reject Technology Shaming,” published in The Atlantic, author Alexandra Samuel references three types of digital parenting styles identified through survey data collected from 10,000 parents in North America.

Digital Enablers - Parents who give their kids carte blanche in terms of tech consumption. They give their kids complete freedom with technology.

Digital Limiters - Parents who impose strict boundaries on tech consumption and always have their hand near the off switch.

Digital Mentors - Parents who take an active role in guiding their child through the world of technology. They realize that tech isn’t going away, and if they don’t provide the necessary navigation, they aren’t preparing their child for the future.

Samuel’s perspective is that the recipe for success is to be a Digital Mentor to your children.

This is an approach to digital-age parenting that can actually sustain a family long-term, from the time baby first lays her hands on a touchscreen all the way until she heads off for college.
— Alexandra Samuel

How can we as parents, who didn’t grow up with this magnitude of technology, MENTOR our kids?

Keep the conversations….conversational

In a recent discussion with my own teen, we had a frank talk about sexting and why kids do it -  even though parents, teachers and even the authorities warn them about the long-term repercussions and dangers. His response was “because they don’t care.” This led to a conversation together about morals and values. The overall consensus was that teens, in general, l hear the same “don’t” message over and over again, to the point that they tune it right out. It reminded me of the Peanut’s gang teacher “lecturing” in the classroom and all we heard was “wah, wah, wah, waah, waaah.”

A good conversation is the right combination of allowing each person to speak, and more importantly, for the non-speakers to listen.  

From the discussion together with my son, I learned a lot about what is going on in my child’s world just by taking the time to hear what he had to say. I didn’t lecture or judge, I just listened. What that said to my son was, “I think what you have to say is important,” and “You can trust me.”

Demonstrate empathy

When you’re having a conversation with your teen, don’t hesitate to ask questions. “How does this make you feel?” or “Why do you think people don’t care about sharing these types of photos?” By asking simple questions like these, it conjures up an emotional reaction that can lead to a meaningful discussion and help you as a parent - and digital parent - to better understand what teens face today.

Be “In The Know”

Research technology on your own to familiarize yourself with the digital landscape for teens. Ask your child questions about what apps are hot, what games are popular, and where they spend their time online. Take a vested interest in what they do, how they experience, what they feel, and what they think.  

Bookmark your favorite sites for up-to-date references on the latest digital trends. Sites such as and are great resources and are organized by age and category so they are extremely user friendly.

Don’t just be a spectator - Get into the game

Engage with your child using technology. Don’t ignore it; ask how it works. Learning about the world of Minecraft, for example, brought me back to feeling the curiosity of a child. Understanding the excitement and element of surprise of getting a new Snapchat reminds me of receiving a note passed in class. Knowing a bit more about what our children enjoy spending hours doing allows us to be a part of their technology world instead of sitting on the sidelines. Plus, knowing that we’re actively observing their online behavior may motivate them to make better choices.

We can’t prepare our kids for the world they will inhabit as adults by dragging them back to the world we lived in as kids. It’s not our job as parents to put away the phones. It’s our job to take out the phones, and teach our kids how to use them.
— The Atlantic, “Parents: Reject Technology Shame”

Finding the right concoction of conversation, understanding, engaging, and most importantly, listening will help each of us find our own recipe to success in the world of digital parenting.

New Year’s Resolution Series: Having “The Talk” With Your Child About Digital Responsibility

Have you had “the talk” with your child? Not the “birds and the bees” talk...the OTHER talk. In today’s world, there is another looming (and ongoing) conversation that needs to be had with our children about Internet safety and digital responsibility.

As you are making your list of resolutions for 2016, if you are a parent and have not had a discussion with your child about what to do and what NOT to do when they are online, set this task at the top of your resolution list.

We realize that for some, it’s not an easy conversation to start. As parents, we are raising the first all digital generation. While our children don’t remember what life was like before the Internet, Wi-Fi and hoverboards, we do.

Whether your child has received their first personal device with Internet access this holiday season or he or she already uses one, think about this fact:

They have access to the entire world in the palm of their hands.

Before the next time their fingers touch the keypads, here are some tips on how to get the conversation started and actions you can take to keep your kids safe online.

Set up and review the device together

The first step to talking about digital responsibility is setting up the device, learning how it works, and how to keep it safe and secure.

  • Security and privacy settings - Walk through each of these areas in the device settings and determine what your child will have access to. Many devices have parental controls so you have the authority to set location services, access to install or purchase apps, or even restrict access to certain websites and age appropriate content.
  • Call for help - Device manufacturers have 800 #’s and websites available to help you make the device safe. Many also have online tutorials and videos to simplify the experience.
  • Recheck often - Set time aside each month to revisit settings, as they change on devices, apps and social networks frequently.
  • TIPS - The Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) has a great checklist

Set boundaries and expectations

  • Time limits - How often will your child be using the device and for how long? Setting time limits and usage time frames is a good place to start. On many devices, this can be set in the parental control area of the device settings.  So if you want your child to only use their iPod Touch for up to 2 hours a day between the hours of 3-6pm, that can be done!
  • Where they can go online? - Talk to your child about what websites they will be accessing and how they will be using them. Make that a part of your daily conversation. “What are your favorite websites to visit?" "What do you find to be interesting about that site?” These some great conversation starters.
  • Who will they be connecting with? - Set your expectations on who they can connect with, and have your child revisit their “friend” list often. Even better, do this together.
  • What apps will they be using? - Explore the mobile app marketplace with your child and determine whether apps he or she is interested in are age appropriate or not.
  • Have access to all of their account usernames and passwords - If you get resistance from your child on this topic, explain that having access to the Internet is a privilege and it’s your job as a parent to keep them safe. Having access to their accounts is part of the deal (see contract reco below).
  • Establish a contract - Having a digital media contract with your child and putting the rules in writing can be helpful. Here are a few samples for your family to use, categorized by age. 

Stay connected

Talk to other parents and their teachers - Using your existing real-life social network can be helpful when raising a child in today’s world. Getting examples and guidance from our own peers is important. We recently published an article on how, as parents, we can strengthen our network to make digital parenting easier.

Stay Informed

There are many great resources online for parents to stay updated about social media and technology. A few of our favorites are:

Family Online Safety Institute:

National Cyber Security Alliance:

Empower your child with a plan

Just as in real life, your child may face situations online like bullying, contact from strangers, hurtful words, or event feeling excluded or left out. Have a game plan on how to handle the situation, such as reporting it to a parent/trusted adult, or blocking or deleting the offender. Agree together on what to do if a situation gets out of control. This article from US News has some great resources for teens to use if they are faced with cyberbullying. 

Share real life examples

Use the current news and events as resources for examples of good and bad online behavior. Incorporate these situations into your conversations and discuss why they are good or how a bad situation can be handled.

Catch them doing something good

When you see your child doing something positive online, be sure to praise them for it!

Schedule Downtime

Setting time aside to unplug is important for everyone, especially families. Here’s a recent DijiWise article with some great ideas for unplugged family time

Monitor- Get the DijiWise App!

Would you allow your toddler to venture out alone at the local park? Of course not! We realized the importance of monitoring our children while they are on the “Internet playground," so we created the DijiWise app. Here’s our story.

The last thing kids want is to be lectured, so by kicking off the new year by keeping the conversations open and ongoing, you can stay connected with your children as they evolve to be responsible digital citizens.  

We would love to hear from you about your experience raising your children in the digital age. Tweet to us @DijiWise.

Here are some DijiWise Moments parents have shared about using the DijiWise app. Click on the link to learn more and to share your DijiWise Moments with us!